Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Energy Consumption

Take a second to think about how much energy you use everyday.....
We use hot water which used a hot water heater that uses energy, we run the dishwasher, dryer, washing machine, a computer. Those are just a few to name. We use a lot of energy everyday. There are four groups that the U.S. Department of energy divides energy users into. There is Residential that uses 22% of energy, Commercial 19%, Transportation 28%, and Industry uses 31%. Any place that people live is considered a residential or commercial building. This consists of offices, hospitals, restaurants, homes, and school. There are grouped together because they use energy the same way such as heating water, heating and cooling, lights, and operation appliances. Homes and building consume more that a third of the energy used in the U.S. today.   Americans have reduced the amount of energy we used in the homes and work places in the past 30 years by improvements in technology and in the ways the equipment is made.

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