Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Steps to Saving Energy

There a lot of steps we can take to save on energy. Here are a few to name.

~Install Low-Flow Fixtures: Federal regulations mandate that new shower head flow rates can't exceed more than 2.5 gallons per minute at a water pressure of 80 (psi).
~Insulate Hot Water Pipes : Insulating hot water pipes reduces heat loss and can raise water temperature 2-4ºF warmer allowing for a lower water temperature setting. By doing so you won't have to wait as long for hot water when you turn on a faucet or shower head, which helps conserve water.
~Apply Permanent Weather Stripping:  Any little crevice or crack can contribute to alot of your energy savings out the door. A 1/8" space between a standard exterior door and its threshold is equivalent to a two square inch hole in the wall. Closing the cracks, gaps, and/or crevices can save you up to 15 percent in heating and cooling costs and also can reduce the demand on your heating and cooling system.

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